The Rochester Primary School Student Action Team is a student elected representative council. Students from years Grade 3 – Grade 6 nominate each year to be their class representative.
Students can only be elected biannually in order to allow different students the opportunity to represent their grade level. Classroom teachers discuss with the students what they believe an SAT representative should do, and the expected behaviours required from nominees. The interested students then independently write a letter about why they would be the ideal candidate to represent their class.
SAT Objective: To represent the students of Rochester Primary School
SAT Role:
- Attend SAT meetings weekly or more when we have a lot of work to do
- Wear our badges with pride
- Be willing to use recess and lunch times to work on posters or fundraisers
- Come to each meeting ready to share ideas
- Listen to others
- Make good choices
Every child has the potential to be a leader given the right set of circumstances and environment.
It is important then to put children in situations where they are supported and give them opportunities to be resourceful so they develop their personal leadership capabilities. Expectation, combined with a structured program that gives training, opportunity and built in recognition has a powerful effect on all of us.