Science at RPS is based on a two year rotation. During even years, students in Grades one to six study Chemical Sciences for one semester. They learn about ‘The Three States of Matter’ - Solids, Liquids and Gases, and their properties. The other semester student focus on the Physical Sciences, this includes a term each on Forces and Light or Heat.
In the Foundation or the Prep year students cover an area of Science each term, beginning with how ‘Living things have a variety of Internal/external features. Looking at some of the important internal features of our body, and moving on to learn about our five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. During the other three terms student cover units Chemical Science, Materials - What Is It Made of?, Earth and Space Sciences – The Weather In My World and Biological Sciences, How Does Our Garden Grow? Paddock to Plate.
Throughout all units and across all year levels, students are continually being encouraged to develop their Scientific Understanding of ‘How Science fits into our daily lives’ and to develop their Science Inquiry Skills.